They manage to fool a guard and steal a metal plate from him, using which they dig a way out of the dungeon, during the course of the next two days.

He and his friends are sent to the dungeon where they would be fed only once in two days. Bheem is offered to join Kirmada's army in return for his freedom, but he flatly refuses. Bheem is forced to surrender his sword, he and the surviving army are taken as prisoners of war. But as soon as the sun sets, Dholakpur's army loses momentum and king Induverma is captured. The battle commences the army of Dholakpur gains an upper hand with Bheem leading from the front against Kirmada. Bheem returns to the battlefield and uses the sunlight reflected from the sword to expose Kirmada's army. Bheem goes to consult the sorceress, who gifts him a magical sword, using which he would be able to defeat Kirmada. Download the sneap peek eBook on Kindle.The next day, the army of Dholakpur arrives to battle, but to their surprise, there is no army to confront them. A terrible war starts and Dholakpur is on the verge of losing.Can Krishna and Chhota Bheem survive the evil schemes of Kirmada and save Dholakpur? - Watch Chhota Bheem Kung Fu Dhamaka 3D Movie In Cinemas 10th May. Kirmada wants to destroy Bheem, Krishna and Dholakpur and attacks them with the help of an army of Bats and Goblins. All the kings arrive with their armies and the festivities begin. Chhota Bheem, with the help of Krishna overcomes all these obstacles and manages to win over all the kings and thus revives the festival.When they return to Dholakpur, king Indraverma is very happy and makes grand arrangements for the festival. He tries hard to obstruct Bheem and friends during their trip.

Meanwhile, Kirmada rises and acquires more evil powers. After meeting with the king and the princess, Bheem, Krishna and team set out to these neighbouring kingdoms to invite them and thereby revive the festival. Krishna arrives in Dholakpur and meets up with Chhota Bheem and friends. Indumati prays to Krishna to help her dad overcome this sorrow.

King Indraverma is sad that the Food and Might festival which used to happen between Dholakpur and the friendly neighbouring kingdoms no longer happens due to some differences.