We have a long tradition of supporting creativity in our community. You should use Mods with caution and understand there may be risk. The Sims team doesn’t pre-screen, endorse or specifically support any particular Mod. For that reason, we support a framework in The Sims 4 that makes it easier for you to install and use Mods. We know that for many of you, Mods are an important part of your game experience. This includes both Custom Content and Game Mods. Mods: A blanket term referring to any player-made content for the game.For example: a new trait, new console cheats, objects with new functionality, new UI functionality, etc. These Mods may include script code, but not always.
Game Mods: These are Mods that add features or change the functionalities of the game. For example: new hair, new clothing, new furniture, etc. Sometimes just referred to in The Sims community as “CC”. Custom Content: This is the addition of player-made clothing or objects to the game. While it can be overwhelming for those with no previous experience of the site, try starting with a search for " Sims 4 CC" in the Tumblr search bar.Learn about The Sims policy towards Mods, when Mods are disabled, and how to safely re-enable Mods. Tumblr is free to join and browse, making it the perfect place for new Sims 4 players to dip their toes into custom content and even make a friend or two along the way. The community is thriving, with content creators often holding special events - most notably Simblreen, a yearly Halloween event when users are encouraged to send their favorite creators a "Trick or Treat" message to receive free, exclusive CC pieces. The Sims side of Tumblr even has its own nickname: Simblr. Tumblr is the perfect place for modders and custom content creators as it allows them to post images of their creations, advertise their other platforms such as Patreon, and make friends and valuable connections in the community. Perhaps the most useful source when it comes to finding quality custom content is Tumblr, a social media platform home to a vibrant community of Sims players.