Prodigy Game works like a normal online RPG game incorporating command-based combat systems. And, when kids get something wrong, instructional feedback is provided. Math questions are generated based on previous performance. One of the more favourable features of the game from a learning perspective is the automatic differentiation. The game aligns with various curricula, hitting Common Core math standards and Texas and Florida state standards. Eighth-graders work with linear expressions, equations, functions, irrational numbers, and more. For example, first-graders practice comparing and ordering two-digit numbers, adding to 20, using place value through tens, and much more.

This game-based learning app is a fun way for kids to practice essential math skills, which are dependent on the grade level selected at the start of the game. Prodigy English and Prodigy Math are both adaptive, engaging, game-based learning platforms designed to help students love learning. Among our list of best math apps, Prodigy Math Game is loved by over a million teachers and 50 million students around the world. Ultimately, Prodigy is still a math learning tool with the core elements of an online role-playing game, and downloading the free game on your PC, or mobile device is groundbreaking enough to witness improvement. Prodigy Math Game is a free, self-paced math game that is curriculum-aligned for grades 1-8.